Show Rundown: July 17, 2019
Show Rundown: July 17, 2019
Howard finds something peculiar in this year's Emmy nominations
Good Morning Everybody!

This year’s Emmy nominees have been announced and HBO’s “Game of Thrones” has secured a record-breaking 32 nominations across a variety of categories. After sorting through the list, Howard noticed something he found peculiar, though.
“Kit Harington got a Best Actor nomination for playing Jon Snow. Peter Dinklage got a Best Supporting Actor nomination,” he pointed out Wednesday morning, wondering why the latter wasn’t considered a lead.
“I’m telling you, Peter Dinklage is the star of that show,” Howard praised the actor who played Tyrion Lannister.
Robin Quivers said she thought the designation was based on which characters are considered the hero and heroine of the series, but she agreed Dinklage was superb in his role.
See all of this year’s nominees here.