Show Rundown: November 12, 2019
VIDEO: The Great JD-ini, Seer of the Unseen, Predicts What’s to Come for 2020
AUDIO: Sour Shoes Has His Own Show … on the Stern Show’s Voicemail
AUDIO: Jeff ‘the Vomit Guy’ Levy Leaves Stern Show an Angry Voicemail
AUDIO: Jeff ‘the Vomit Guy’ Levy Leaves Stern Show an Angry Voicemail
Wack Packer continues to be upset that Howard hasn't found someone to throw up on him recently

It was revealed on Tuesday’s show that Jeff “the Vomit Guy” Levy, who has long been known for his proclivity for having women regurgitate on him, left a peeved voicemail for Howard for failing to find any volunteers recently.
“He’s a guy who calls at least five times a day,” Stern Show staffer Shuli Egar confirmed. “The gist of every voicemail is how come we haven’t helped him be used as a human toilet for women.”
“That’s not my job,” Howard said matter-of-factly.
“I want Howard to be my Santa Claus for the holidays and produce the biggest gift of all,” Jeff confessed live on the air Tuesday.
Listen to Jeff’s enraged voicemail, complete with his gaggle of pet birds in the background (below).