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VIDEO: Ronnie the Limo Driver Once Again Doesn’t Know Who Brought Donuts Into the Stern Show
VIDEO: Ronnie the Limo Driver Once Again Doesn’t Know Who Brought Donuts Into the Stern Show
Howard’s head of security gets accused of being checked out, plus more details on his parents’ threesome emerge
January 20, 2020
Less than a year after being unable to identify who brought donuts into the Stern Show back office, head of security
Ronnie “the Limo Driver” Mund was once again unable to name who brought a similar box of baked good into work on Monday, leaving some on staff to wonder if his head is still in the game. “Gary tells me he goes out
and he says to you, ‘Hey, there’s a whole bunch of Dunkin’ Donuts here, where’d
they come from?’” Howard relayed to Ronnie.
“And I said to him I don’t know … people are supposed to leave
a note,” Ronnie defended.
“But what I’m saying is, you’re the security guy,” Howard explained.
“You’re supposed to know where they’re from.”
“You’d think he’d be excited because there’s usually so
little to do back here security-wise,” fellow staffer Jason Kaplan added.
“It’s going to be an interesting year, man,” Chris continued.
“There’s going to be a lot of this going on.”
Watch more on the latest donut scandal (above).
In other Ronnie news, new details have emerged regarding the
time he heard his parents engaged in a threesome. “You had a boner while you
were listening to them or you had the boner when you got in the room?” Howard asked
his limo driver.
“I already had it,” Ronnie distinguished.
“Think about this, you
were hearing your mom and dad and you got a boner,” Howard pressed.
“No, I heard people,” Ronnie deciphered. “That’s what I heard.
I was thinking about it like a fucking porno movie … when I went and jerked off
I thought of them as a movie.”
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