Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: January 31, 2020
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: January 31, 2020
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
January 31, 2020
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1. “That’s for fucking bitches. I don’t do bitch weed, I smoke weed.” _______ describing their preferred method of using marijuana
Leslie Jones
JD Harmeyer
Shuli Egar
Brent Hatley
2. “The ball rolled over to me. I grabbed it, and threw it into the ref … I touch the ball and now the Knicks are winning.” _______ discussing a recent experience at a Knicks game
Howard Stern
Leslie Jones
Michael Rapaport
Gary Dell’Abate
3. “I watched the second ‘IT’ movie the other night and started crying towards the end … it was an emotional thing.” _______ on the last time they cried
Gary Dell’Abate
Richard Christy
Sal Governale
JD Harmeyer
4. “The sweetest victory is getting to beat Michael Rapaport in the championships. I kicked his ass too.” _______ commenting on winning the Emotional Friends fantasy football league
Jon Hein
Gary Dell’Abate
Richard Christy
JD Harmeyer
5. “I got onstage and there was empty chairs in the front and I was like …. ‘everybody move to the front, I need that fuckin’ energy’.” _______ recalling how they handled a live performance with a particular audience once
Leslie Jones
Fred Norris
Shuli Egar
Ronnie Mund
6. “There was some sort of argument and yeah she punched me …I just fell to the ground.” _______ on getting into a fight with a girl when they were in grade school
Jason Kaplan
JD Harmeyer
Chris Wilding
Steve Nowicki
7. “I felt a weird like not really a taste but like something soaking in my balls that tingled it a little.” _______ on what it was like to dip their testicles in soy sauce
Sal Governale
Richard Christy
Benjy Bronk
Memet Walker
8. “I did not buy it, I’m being taken by a neighbor.” _______ on how they scored tickets to Super Bowl LIV
Jon Hein
Gary Dell’Abate
Brent Hatley
Richard Christy
9. “If there wasn’t tartar sauce I wouldn’t [have] eaten half the things. They served quail and I had to spit the [birdshot] out while I was chewing.” _______ remembering the Thanksgiving they spent with Richard Christy and his parents
Sal Governale
Benjy Bronk
Shuli Egar
JD Harmeyer
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