Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: April 17, 2020
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: April 17, 2020
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
April 17, 2020
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1. “I’ve learned something – that hot salad is no good. It just wilts everything.” _______ on microwaving all their food in order to kill off the coronavirus.
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Sal Governale
Richard Christy
2. “That was a very important time for me because you really do learn more in life from getting knocked on your rear end than anything else … Do you get up? Do you learn? Or do you just stay down.” _______ on the adversity they overcame early in their career
Howard Stern
Jon Bon Jovi
Gov. Andrew Cuomo
Robin Quivers
3. “I find myself more like I’m on a job interview. Everything I say is like, ‘Yeah, sure, uh huh, fantastic, wonderful.’ You use those key words, you respect each other.” _______ on how they’re getting along with their better half during quarantine
Ronnie Mund
Sal Governale
Shuli Egar
JD Harmeyer
4. “It’s like three pieces of candy under a belly, you know what I’m saying?” _______ describing High Pitch Erik’s recent dick pic
Andy Cohen
Shuli Egar
Chris Wilding
Memet Walker
5. “He’s going to be disinfected outside before he can come into my house. With soap and water and outside showers.” _______ on the precautions they plan on taking before a family member visits their home
High Pitch Erik
Tan Mom
Jeff the Drunk
6. “The last time I was up close and personal with Gary his breath was so pleasant … it was amazingly fresh.” _______ on noticing an improvement in the Stern Show’s executive producer’s breath
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Sal Governale
Jason Kaplan
7. “Whatever Cuomo wants me to do for him, I will do. I could be his press secretary.” _______ offering their services to Governor Andrew Cuomo after hearing his appearance on the Stern Show
Mariann from Brooklyn
High Pitch Erik
Medicated Pete
8. “I want to remake ‘The King of Comedy’ and I’m Robert De Niro and you are Jerry Lewis and Robin can be in it and she can play my mother.” _______ pitching a movie idea to Howard
High Pitch Erik
Medicated Pete
Speech Impediment Man
9. “I’m a drop the mic kind of person. I put my one comment in and then go.” _______ on their Facebook arguments with Stern Show staffer Benjy Bronk
Robin Quivers
Gary Dell’Abate
Jason Kaplan
Shuli Egar
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