Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: May 1, 2020
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: May 1, 2020
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
May 1, 2020
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1. “God, I just love having him around. He’s just a goofball and I love him. He’s very entertaining and … I’m very lucky to have my family with me.” _______ on the joys of being a parent while going through quarantine
David Letterman
Amy Schumer
Gary Dell’Abate
Will Murray
2. “I’m teaching myself to tap dance and now my hip is killing me.” _______ describing the consequences of their new exercise regimen
Amy Schumer
Robin Quivers
Memet Walker
Steve Nowicki
3. “When I walk … I kind of like look for spiritual signs. I looked at the dice and said, ‘Maybe it’s a sign from God.'” _______ on the deeper walks they’ve been taking since the coronavirus pandemic began
Sal Governale
Richard Christy
Memet Walker
Chris Wilding
4. “What’s better than watching your friends bomb? It’s the best because you know that they’re up there and they’re just in physical pain.” _______ on the joy that comes with seeing a fellow funny friend’s material fail to deliver
Howard Stern
David Letterman
Amy Schumer
Shuli Egar
5. “I have so many books on my nightstand that I meant to get to … I’m almost done with Mr. Skin’s book.” _______ on the backlog of reading material quarantining has allowed them to finally tackle
Fred Norris
Gary Dell’Abate
Benjy Bronk
Jason Kaplan
6. “I feel like rats are more confident now that most people are gone, they don’t hide as much anymore. They’re louder, they don’t run from you like they used to.” _______ explaining the severe rodent issue in their apartment that recently worsened
JD Harmeyer
Benjy Bronk
Steve Nowicki
Memet Walker
7. “I used to really feel good about like my knowledge of Beatles music … within five minutes I was deflated.” _______ on Beatles Channel D.J. Meg Griffin’s penchant for playing obscure songs
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Fred Norris
Gary Dell’Abate
8. “I was the original shusher and I just did not do a very good job.” _______ on their old responsibility of keeping people quiet so Howard could meditate in peace
Gary Dell’Abate
JD Harmeyer
Jason Kaplan
Will Murray
9. “I do nothing but work out. I’m doing the prison workout, you just work out all day.” _______ revealing how much they’ve been exercising while stuck at home
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Fred Norris
JD Harmeyer
You got0 of9correct.