Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: April 8, 2021
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
April 8, 2021- 0
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“We have bears shit in our backyard and it’s like huge.” _______ on recently having to use a special vacuum to clean up animal feces
Gary Dell’Abate
richard christy
jason kaplan
will murray
“I have this policy with insects. I won’t bother you if you don’t bother me, but the moment you get on me you have to die.” _______ describing their views on KILLING pests
howard stern
robin quivers
richard christy
chris wilding
“I veg … I get goofy. I laugh. I do silly things. That’s what it does. I feel good.” _______ opening up about occasionally ingesting marijuana-infused EDIBLES
Chris “Mad Dog” Russo
jon hein
will murray
“I did get catfished and that’s why I’m saying it can happen to anyone … I was about to get on a bus and go like four hours to meet somebody.” _______ recalling the time they were scammed by a suitor on the internet
JD Harmeyer
benjy bronk
Memet Walker
steve nowicki
“You should see my refrigerator, it’s just Tupperwares full of like cut-up cucumbers and carrots.” _______ providing details on their recent DIET CHANGE
howard stern
chris wilding
jason kaplan
“He’s funny and charismatic … I’m not exactly proud of it.” _______ admitting to his fondness for O.J. Simpson’s performance as Nordberg in the “Naked Gun” movies
jon hein
sal governale
ralph cirella
jd harmeyer
“I have a tough time with ‘eligible’ so I … took my time and I said it slow.” _______ on successfully pronouncing the word despite Stern Show staffer Wolfie claiming otherwise
sal governale
benjy bronk
jd harmeyer
memet walker
“Enough with the bending over, don’t you know how to lay down? I have a bad back.” _______ responding to HAM HANDS BILL’S advances made to them during a prank call
high pitch erik
jeff the drunk
Tan Mom
debbie the cum lady
“I used to have a raccoon that would come up and scratch on my door … and I’d give it cat food and it would let me pet it.” _______ on their peculiar fondness for the pesky animal
sal governale
richard christy
benjy bronk
memet walker
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