AUDIO: Howard Poses as ‘Elvis’ Star Austin Butler and Fools a Presley Superfan in New ‘Jack and Rod’ Phony Phone Call
“When Mama died, I took her ashes and I put them in a sandwich and ate them,” he tells guest
April 24, 2023
When an entertainment expert and Elvis Presley superfan recently appeared on the ‘Jack and Rod Show’ — otherwise known as Stern Show staffers Richard Christy and Sal Governale — he was beyond thrilled to speak with “Elvis” star Austin Butler. “I am a fan of anybody that has to do with Elvis,” he told the two fake radio hosts.
Except he was actually speaking to drops of Howard. In the call, which debuted Monday, Richard and Sal used audio of Howard’s impression of Butler, who was still in character as Elvis months after doing the film. Surprisingly, the guest was receptive of ‘Austin’s’ increasingly bizarre comments as Presley, from eating his mother’s ashes to getting potty trained by his longtime manager, Colonel Tom Parker. “Well, it was a different time,” he said in response to the latter. “You’re talking about 80-plus years ago.”
It wasn’t until “Elvis” reported his mother just had an accident in her diaper that the guest finally checked out in disgust.
“He hung in there a long time,” co-host Robin Quivers later observed. “I’m like, ‘What the heck is wrong with him?’”
Listen to the full call (below).