VIDEO: Should Gary Dell’Abate Take Ozempic to Lose Weight?

“I f-cking eat snacks all day long,” the Stern Show’s executive producer concedes

January 24, 2024

When Howard caught up with executive producer Gary Dell’Abate over the weekend, he couldn’t help but notice his longtime colleague seemed to be carrying a few extra pounds.

“Gary’s the heaviest I’ve ever seen him,” Howard told listeners on Tuesday.

“I don’t think I can argue with you,” Gary responded, explaining that while he’s exercising every single day he’s also overindulging on Wheat Thins, plantains, pretzels, and even chocolate chips dipped in peanut butter. “I fucking eat snacks all day long,” he said before revealing that he even gets headaches sometimes if he doesn’t get his fix of chocolate.

Gary told Howard he was weighing in at “about 217,” but staffer Samantha Fontana wasn’t buying it and wanted him to get on a scale to prove it. “I think everyone here lies about their weight by eight pounds,” she said, adding, “I’m not trying to shame anyone.”

“Than what are you trying to do?” Gary retorted. “Why else would you come on except to shame me?” Garry was happy to step on the scale, though he did brace everyone for a higher readout. “217 was what I weighed last night after I worked out and was naked,” he said before stepping on the scale in the studio and getting a readout of 220.4.

“Are you thinking of Ozempic?” Howard wondered.

“I thought about it, but I feel like it’s crossing a line,” Gary said. “I don’t think I’m doing it.”

Samantha disagreed. “I think you should go on Ozempic,” she said. “If you don’t lose a certain amount of weight it can start affecting, you know, your blood sugar, your heart, your kidneys, [and] all that stuff. Maybe Ozempic is the answer [and] is gonna save your life.”

Regardless of what method he had in mind, Howard advised his friend and colleague to try and get his weight under control.

“He’s done it before,” co-host Robin Quivers noted. “He just has to develop some new habits.”

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