Show Rundown: Monday March 7, 2016
Show Rundown: Monday March 7, 2016
John Goodman returns to promote "10 Cloverfield Lane," Tan Mom clears up some controversy, and more!
Good Morning Everybody!

In a timely election year discussion, Stern Show executive producer Gary Dell’Abate wondered whether anyone would stop Wendy the Slow Adult from registering to vote if she tried.
“Who’s sitting and monitoring anyone’s IQ?” Howard wondered.
In a clip from Periscope, High Pitch Erik was asked by Joey Boots who he’d be voting for. While Erik is a fan of Donald Trump, he admitted that he didn’t have it together enough to register to vote and ultimately went on a profanity-laded rant against Hillary Clinton.
Howard wondered why Erik, who relies heavily on government assistance, would be in support of Republicans who would likely be in support of reducing those benefits.
Bobo Is Voting Today

Bobo called in to inform Howard that he’d be voting today since, as a member of Seminole County Florida, he is able to vote a bit early in the Presidential Preference Primary Election.
Howard said he had tape of a woman who claimed to take Bobo’s driving class and absolutely hated it. “Oh god, I thought it was terrible,” she explained during an interview.
“Howard, this person’s a fraud,” Bobo pleaded, explaining that he never taught at Nassau Community College where the woman claimed to have taken the class.
Moving on to his question of the day, Bobo said he found the cock ring discussions with Ronnie Mund from last week to be hilarious and wondered what else was going on in the “Mund household.”
Ronnie’s Potential Bachelor Party

Howard said he thought it was funny when, after proposing to Stephanie, Ronnie immediately began discussing his bachelor party.
“He’s a grandfather and now he wants a bachelor party,” Howard teased. He also recounted how when Ronnie was simply his limo driver, he’d only call into the studio when Sam Kinison was in. Then, he picked up the extra security job at K-ROCK and started getting on air more. “And then that horrible personality of his started coming out,” Howard explained.
Howard asked his co-host if she thought Ronnie’s fiancé Stephanie felt like a lucky girl when Ronnie stood naked putting on his cock ring. “No, I think the lights are completely off!” Robin joked.
Beth Stern asked Howard after the infamous proposal if he would go to Ronnie’s wedding and Howard wondered how he could not. “I guess if you’re going I have to go,” she conceded to her husband.
Robin agreed that she would also go: “How could I not?”
Gary then came in and played a game with Howard to see if he could determine which celebrity couple had a bigger age spread than Ronnie and Stephanie, who are 33 years apart.
Larry and Shawn King (26 years apart)Frank and Kathy Lee Gifford (23 years apart)Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones (25 years apart)**Dick Van Dyke and Arlene Silver (46 years apart)**
Joey Boots Doesn’t Rely on SSI

Hearing Howard’s comments about High Pitch Erik and Joey Boots’ political leanings, the latter called in to clarify a few things.
Joey explained that he has never collected SSI – he is medically retired from the military and gets a few thousand dollars a month from that.
Boots also explained that High Pitch hangs out with a group of detectives in Queens every week, which is probably where he gets most of his political views.
In other news, Howard was worried about Joey’s health after learning he started drinking alcohol again after stopping for a while. “He’s got a pretty disgusting cough too on that podcast,” Howard added.
Joey said he is doing fine and in fact has dreams of being an actor. He’s been in school studying the craft for two years now.
John Goodman Is Coming In
Gary the Conqueror later announced today’s guest: John Goodman!
Goodman is promoting his latest flick, the J.J. Abrams-produced “10 Cloverfield Lane,” which Howard absolutely loved and even watched twice – a rare occurrence for him.
Greg Gordon Is Still Greg Gordon

Greg Gordon — known for breaking into Ronald Reagan’s Bel-Air Estate in 1990 and screaming that the former U.S. president had to die because he was the “Antichrist” – called back in to the show this morning to talk to Howard in light of news that Nancy Reagan passed away.
Gordon explained that he had done three years in prison and now still receives help for his mental health. The Secret Service also allegedly monitors his medications and pays him extra visits when the president is in town.
“Oh so you’re still crazy,” Howard summed up.
Gary came in and recounted how Gordon used to send them the most bizarre stuff in the mail. One shipment contained a thousand-page manuscript that no one really understood. The Secret Service came and picked up the materials at one point.
Gordon did admit that he never actually wanted to hurt anybody. The incident, he contended, was simply a publicity ploy for his book at the time.
Before hanging up, Howard took a moment to get Gordon’s thoughts on the current Republican presidential candidates. While he isn’t a fan of any of them, Gordon told Howard he would pick Marco Rubio if forced.
John Goodman Is Better Than Ever

Gearing up for the release of “10 Cloverfield Lane,” acclaimed actor and all-around star John Goodman returned to the studio for his second appearance on the Stern Show and had a ton of great stories to share with Howard. It doesn’t hurt that Goodman is also a superfan of the show, allowing him to chime in on everything from Ronnie’s proposal to Riley Martin’s death right alongside stories about hosting “Saturday Night Live” and hanging out with Bill Murray.
Hear some of the stories below and read all of the highlights here.
Jeff the Drunk Is Actually Happy

“Hey Howard, I wanted to thank you … for Saturday,” the normally grumpy Jeff the Drunk said as he got through on the phone.
During the month of March the Stern Show is celebrating Wack History Month to honor some of the longest running individuals in the prestigious crew. Saturday’s special was dedicated solely to Jeff.
Jeff wondered what Howard’s favorite moment was and the King of All Media didn’t hesitate: “Oh, when you fell down in the hall,” he responded.
Tune in every weekend this month for more amazing moments is Wack History.
A Break in the Case

While Special People’s Court may have solved a lot of the issues between Fred the Elephant Boy and High Pitch Erik, their real-life court case has only just begun.
Shuli Egar came in and reported that Fred has offered to drop his charges against High Pitch if Erik sends him a written apology on Twitter. There are currently no updates as to whether Erik has accepted his offer or not.