Play the Wendy the Slow Adult ‘This or That’ Game

See if you can get inside the Wack Packer's head

August 2, 2017

Wendy the Slow Adult has been a member of the Wack Pack since 2002 and since then has revealed quite a lot about her personal preferences. See if you can get inside the mind of the Wack Packer and decide which of the hypothetical options (below) she chose when given a head-to-head matchup.

  • 0
  • 0
  • 1. Would Wendy rather have $100 or 100 scratch-off tickets?

    • Photo: iStock


    • Photo: The Howard Stern Show

      100 Scratch-Off Tickets

  • 2. Who does Wendy think is better: Middle Eastern people or Mexican people?

    • Photo: iStock

      Middle Eastern People

    • Photo: iStock

      Mexican People

  • 3. What snack does Wendy prefer: Cheetos or Doritos?

    • Photo: iStock


    • Photo: iStock


  • 4. Would Wendy rather go bowling or cure cancer?

    • Photo: iStock

      Go Bowling

    • Photo: iStock

      Cure Cancer

  • 5. Would Wendy rather eat dog food or eat cat food?

    • Photo: iStock

      Dog Food

    • Photo: iStock

      Cat Food

  • 6. Would Wendy prefer to receive $5 million or $2 billion?

    • Photo: iStock

      $5 million

    • $2 billion

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The Howard Stern Show