Matt Friend’s ‘Howard Stern’ Drives Real Howard Crazy and Confuses the Wack Pack During Stern Show Visit
“When I start talking to Robin after you leave, I get crazy,” Howard tells the comedian
May 15, 2023Comedian Matt Friend’s impression of Howard is good, but is it too good?
Matt was on hand Monday morning and popped onto the Stern Show to say hello to Howard and Robin–in character, naturally.
“Is this still fucking you up, Howard? It’s fucking me up,” Matt as Howard said.
“I find your impression is driving me crazy,” the real Howard replied. “When I start talking to Robin after you leave, I get crazy.”
Specifically, it was Matt’s repeated use of the word “right,” which he kept finding creative ways to get Howard to repeat, that was throwing the original off. “What gives you the blank to do this impression on my show?” the comedian joked at one point before attempting to throw to commercial. “Before I go … I do want to tell you all about our good friends at Metamucil.”
“Alright, get out of here, you’re making me crazy,” Howard shot back with a laugh.
Matt also recently called up members of the Wack Pack and used his impression to make them all think they were talking to the real Howard. Hear the audio (below).