Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: May 20, 2021
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
May 20, 2021- 0
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“Nobody wants to fight no more, they want to sue, so I have to do the right thing.” _______ on rethinking how they handle conflict in this day and age
king of all blacks
high pitch erik
ass napkin ed
angry black
“If I could erase the year 2006, I would—I said way too many things.” _______ regretting what came out of his mouth many years ago
sal governale
richard christy
jd harmeyer
jason kaplan
“I got freaked out … I realized I only pooped once the other day.” _______ explaining some changes they’ve seen since altering their diet
howard stern
ronnie mund
richard christy
jason kaplan
“The vodka I drink you got to ask the lady behind the counter.” _______ on their upscale taste in spirits
king of all blacks
mariann from brooklyn
angry black
“We used to have a big Labrador dog and I used to ride it like a horse naked all the time like Lady Godiva.” _______ recalling their fondness for being nude as a child
ronnie mund
sal governale
richard christy
benjy bronk
“I just whipped off my glasses and I thought to myself, ‘Will anybody recognize me?’” _______ wondering if shedding their eyewear would result in a Superman-like effect
howard stern
robin quivers
Gary Dell’Abate
JD HArmeyer
“The sexiest thing a woman can ask me is, ‘So, what do you do?’” _______ explaining their dating preferences
michael che
benjy bronk
mike fox
mike pearlman
“I watch Black chick porn, I watch lesbian porn, pregnant porn … I just love it.” _______ describing their preferred choices in adult films
king of all blacks
jeff the drunk
mark the bagger
medicated pete
“The chef recognized me and, you know, he sent out like a free appetizer thing … and some drinks got comped and whatnot.” _______ on recently getting the star treatment at a restaurant
michael che
ronnie mund
jd harmeyer
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