Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: October 8, 2021
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
October 7, 2021- 0
- 0
“I favor them, that’s it … when you favor something it goes up, you see it.” _______ incorrectly explaining how Twitter “favoriting” works
Ronnie Mund
Sal Governale
Richard Christy
JD Harmeyer
“I looked at that whole thing of going to space … now there’s this new company, it’s going to make these huge balloons and they’re going to float you up into space.” _______ on entertaining the idea of space travel
Jake Gyllenhaal
Robin Quivers
Gary Dell’Abate
Fred Norris
“One day I just saw her … and I knew nothing was ever going to be the same again. And it hasn’t been.” _______ recalling the love story with their significant other
Howard Stern
Jake Gyllenhaal
Brandi Carlile
Gary Dell’Abate
“You’re going to clean us both off … and then you’re going to cook for both of us.” _______ auditioning to be the “bull” for a cuckolding couple
High Pitch Erik
Jeff the Drunk
Ass Napkin Ed
Jeff the Vomit Guy
“I just filleted a fish last night—I caught a sea bass.” _______ discussing their deepening passion for fishing
Howard Stern
Jake Gyllenhaal
Brandi Carlile
jason kaplan
“The L.A. studios were outdoors … they weren’t? I thought we were outside, I thought I felt air.” _______ incorrectly thinking they were outside for the 2019 run of shows in Los Angeles
Robin Quivers
Sal Governale
Richard Christy
Benjy Bronk
“I’m never visiting Argentina because of him.” _______ on the sore-losing Argentinian they recently played an online game against
howard stern
Fred Norris
Jon Hein
Will Murray
“I was singing so loud during a Paul McCartney concert that Jennifer Aniston turned around to see who was making all that noise.” _______ on their tendency to sing along with the band at shows
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Gary Dell’Abate
jason kaplan
“I’m halfway through a Dunkin’ Boston Kreme … it’s my reward for getting up at three.” _______ discussing their favorite pastry treat
Jake Gyllenhaal
Brandi Carlile
Gary Dell’Abate
Ronnie Mund
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