Show Rundown: Monday March 14, 2016
Sally Field on Hillary Clinton, ‘Spider-Man,’ and the Best On-Screen Kiss of Her Life
Happy 55th Birthday Baba Booey
Happy 55th Birthday Baba Booey
The Stern Show Celebrates the Birth of Exec Producer Gary Dell'Abate

“I got him a really good gift,” Howard let slip as he opened the celebration of Stern Show Executive Producer Gary Dell’Abate‘s 55th birthday.
In the same breath though, Howard asked Gary if they could put a “moratorium” on birthday gift-giving going forward. “I do not want gifts. I really don’t,” he explained.
Gary, he did admit, gives very thoughtful gifts. But that has forced Howard to go shopping, which he doesn’t like. “As men, let’s stop the aggravation,” he told his longtime producer.
Nonetheless, in celebration of Gary’s milestone birthday, Howard first played a “55 Hello, Hello Salute” courtesy of Sour Shoes. Then came a priceless Sour Shoes prank call as Gary to Michael Rapaport, who couldn’t tell the difference.
Howard also read the staff member responses to the important question: “What annoys you most about Gary?” Read some of the answers below:
Fred Norris: He always hijacks the conversation.Robin Quivers: When Gary tells a story that doesn’t go anywhere.Jason Kaplan: Gary comes in during the morning and tries out topics on the staff. We’re his warm-up. He’s not really talking to us. (Gary enthusiastically owned up to this one)Sal Governale: He’ll walk out in the middle of a conversation … It’s always one-sided.JD Harmeyer: He insults and teases me in a way that I expect from the younger guys, but not the executive producer.Jon Hein: Gary gets way too excited about the Mets or Jets too early in the season.Richard Christy: Gary won’t admit to liking teen anal porn or admit to the fact the he likes licking ass.Ronnie Mund: He interrupts conversations.Scott Salem: Gary coughs.Shuli Egar: The pose he strikes when he’s about to tell a longwinded story.Benjy Bronk: He’s very judgmental.
Later, Sal came in to roast his favorite target of ridicule. Howard wondered how difficult it was for Sal to come up with his roast jokes. “Oh, he’s so easy … Waddle in here, Stupid,” he instructed before launching into it. Hear the audio below:
And with that, the live show celebration of Gary’s birthday concluded. “We salute you at 55, Baba Booey …Happy Birthday, Gary,” Howard offered.